The story of Victor Sinclair Cigars is a story of Grit, Guts, Gumption and a Fighting Cock named Harry! The Dominguez family has been involved in the brokering of Fine Dominican Tobacco for generations. Having been raised into this agricultural tradition, Jose Dominguez started life as the family veterinarian.
After growing and running a successful pig farm for his father, Jose wanted a greater challenge. He was ready to prove that a Dominican did not have to be of Cuban descent to make the most extraordinary cigars in the world. The story of how Jose funded and grew Victor Sinclair into an operation that will produce over twenty million cigars every year is the stuff of legend.
As we know, the Dominican Republic qualifies as a third world country. Even families of great wealth frequently have their wealth in groves, plantations and land. Cash can be scarce and cash is exactly what Jose needed to start the modern Victor Sinclair Factory. Jose needed a Cash Cow, or in this case a “Cash Cock”!
Cock fighting is a huge source of entertainment and speculation in many nations of Spanish influence. In the Dominican Republic the sport is almost a national sport. Jose’s father (a.k.a. Blanquito Dominguez), being a pretty good fighting cock raiser, approached Jose with a challenge. He wanted Jose to produce for him the ultimate fighting rooster.
Harry went on to become a legendary fighter, winning match after match and becoming a legend in the Dominican Republic. One might ask what all this has to do with a cigar factory?”. The answer is simple: Harry won all the money Jose needed to purchase the land and buildings for the Victor Sinclair Factory.
Victor Sinclair started business in 1995 with six employees. Today the factory employs over one thousand people and ships over twenty million cigars a year. We make products not only for ourselves, but also for dozens of other cigar manufacturers and private labelers around the world.